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In an interview, Nikita Smagin explains what is behind the Russian-Iranian rapprochement, as well as its limitations.
In an increasingly unpredictable global environment, expect Turkish foreign policy to be just as elusive.
Though Turkey remains on good terms with Russia, it still finds itself in the throes of an energy crisis.
In an interview, Jennifer Kavanagh and Frederic Wehrey discuss the implications of Russia’s declining arms exports to the Middle East.
Watching the Ukraine conflict, Middle Eastern leaders see the Russian president has approached matters in the same way as they would.
In an interview, Nikolay Kozhanov explains how the Ukraine conflict will affect Middle Eastern hydrocarbons production.
The Ukraine war will reshape Russia’s influence in the Middle East, the Mediterranean, and Africa.
In an interview, Dmitri Trenin discusses what Middle Eastern countries will be looking for in the Ukraine crisis.
In an interview, Ruslan Trad describes how private military companies advance the Kremlin’s agenda in the Arab world.
In an interview, Kheder Khaddour discusses the likely outcomes in Syria’s northwest, where Russian and Turkish aims clash.