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Building mutual trust between the United States and China will be a decades-long process that is dependent on good governance and each country's economic development.
Both the United States and China are coming out of political transitions to face endemic trade conflicts and domestic structural adjustments.
Even if the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan wins in the upcoming elections, it will be more of an overwhelming defeat for the Democratic Party of Japan than a victory for the Liberal Democratic Party.
North Korea's latest rocket launch is part of an established behavior, where it hopes that generating international anxiety will bring the global community to offer aid, assistance, and toleration of the regime.
The United States is coming closer to a resolution of the Syrian issue, either through diplomatic channels by forging an accord with Russia or, if that fails, by means of military aid to the opposition.
Oil and gas supplies are booming around the world as new drilling technologies make it possible to recover untapped resources.
Oil and gas supplies are booming in the U.S. and around the world as new technologies make it possible to recover untapped resources, changing U.S. energy policy and geo-politics.
The leadership transition in both the United States and China has provided fresh opportunities for both countries to put aside differences and work together on issues of global significance.
Today's impasse in energy and cliamte policy in the United States presents an opportunity for presidental leadership as unconventional energy geographies shift to North America.
The recent NATO decision to deploy missiles along the Turkish-Syrian border has been framed in terms of a defense strategy for Turkey, but the same missiles could conceivably provide cover for refugees fleeing the violence.