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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s negative stance toward Finland and Sweden joining NATO jeopardizes further enlargement of the alliance amid great geopolitical insecurity. Breaking this stalemate will require a compromise from all sides.
If the problem is more fundamental, and stems from the very constitution of the modern nation-state and its disregard for the integrity of robust civil society groups, rooted in a proper sense of the importance of individual and community, that’s a harder problem to solve. Maybe that’s why we ignore it—but we do so at our peril.
If anything, the trend seems to be more, not less, securitisation of communities within the US and elsewhere; and a continual dehumanisation of peoples in parts of the world that bear the impact, day in and day out, of the "war on terror". In many ways, I am forced to ask: isn’t what the terrorists wanted us to do?
But it is finally possible to say, 20 years later, that 9/11 has shattered the U.S. pretension to global indispensability. Two decades more and the United States might yet become a nation among nations, no longer lording its power over others to get what it needs.
While Tunisia has made noteworthy progress in its counterterrorism efforts, much more work remains to be done in the qualitative aspects of these efforts if progress is to be sustained.
While the United States has a long history of bigotry against immigrants of color, the growing hostility toward people of Asian origin in the wake of the devastating coronavirus pandemic casts a new spotlight on the discrimination many Asian immigrant populations experience in the United States.
The designations declared that elements of the crimes were applicable not simply in the occupied Palestinians territories but within the internationally recognized borders of Israel itself.
The international organization Human Rights Watch released a report declaring, for the first time in its history, that the Israeli government is committing two crimes against humanity for its treatment of the Palestinians: the crimes of persecution and apartheid.
Extremism is a transnational threat and the network operates across borders.
Extremism of all types, and the abrogation of civil liberties on the altar of securitization, need to be opposed in the same breath. In so doing, people can deny extremists the victory they seek.