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In some five dozen countries worldwide, corruption can no longer be understood as merely the iniquitous doings of individuals. Rather, it is the operating system of sophisticated networks that cross sectoral and national boundaries in their drive to maximize returns for their members.
The closing of civic space has become a defining feature of political life in an ever-increasing number of countries.
Effective reform efforts require planning for and measuring change that is nonlinear and nonincremental. Complexity, or systems, theory offers insights for improving program design and evaluation.
After seeing its reach increase for decades, international support for democracy and human rights now faces a serious challenge.
Previous abuses of power by Pakistani regimes and intelligence agencies make reforms imperative. With patience, resolve, and assistance from the international community, Pakistan’s government can reassert civilian control over the intelligence community.
Confrontational U.S. policy that tried to create a “New Middle East,” but ignored the realities of the region has instead exacerbated existing conflicts and created new problems. To restore its credibility and promote positive transformation, the United States needs to abandon the illusion that it can reshape the region to suit its interests.