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Corruption in Russia is not a symptom of a disease, but the disease itself. Corruption does not only interrupt or undermine the existing system; it is the way the system functions.
In November 2010, U.S. President Barack Obama visited India, followed by Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao the following month. These visits had a mixed impact on Chinese-Indian-U.S. relations.
It is necessary to maximize carbon reductions within the transportation sector by determining the effectiveness of carbon reduction measures combined with demand side strategies such as pricing, land use, and investment.
Under the Obama administration, the United States is increasingly committed to addressing the structural conditions that have undermined Yemen’s stability and rendered the country a haven for extremism.
China's economic prospects remain sound, but many observers point to the risk of an "unbalanced" growth process that has spurred investment and kept domestic consumption low.
While almost every economy in the Middle East and North Africa region is projected to accelerate in 2011-2012, significant downside risks to this forecast remain.
Ankara’s new diplomatic activism represents a significant transformation of Turkey's regional role. However, some policy choices have created frictions in relationships with traditional allies.
With the ratification of the Lisbon treaty, the EU had hoped to develop the infrastructure to handle the challenges of the twenty-first century world, but recent developments have sparked widespread talk of Europe's relative decline.
As security concerns emanating from fragile states like Yemen and Somalia dominate recent headlines, the international community faces a number of challenges in its efforts to assist fragile states.
China’s economy is undergoing significant change, in large part due to the rapid growth of its high-tech industry. As the country has expanded its efforts to accurately report GDP data, a series of revisions to data from prior years has also affected estimates of its energy efficiency.