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China’s Belt and Road Initiative has followed a unique, locally focused strategy in Türkiye to adapt to the Turkish economic and political environment.
Women in Iran are agents of change, as proven once more by the feminist revolts in the country. The EU must expand its long-term approach to support Iranians’ fundamental rights and address their worsening socioeconomic conditions.
Ongoing negotiations between Syria and Türkiye may change the outlines of their border regions. But they won't alter the basic reality of cantonization.
In a year dominated by the rhetoric of defending democracy, EU democracy support policies were adjusted in important ways to align with the new geopolitical context. However, the union also seemed to treat commitments in this area as second-order priorities compared to security.
Turkey’s upcoming elections will be the greatest ever challenge to the twenty-year dominance of the AK Party. Representatives of the country’s opposition parties share their perspectives and priorities on Turkey’s most pressing foreign policy questions.
Turkey has few explicitly pro-China voices. In response, the Chinese regime has opted for soft power strategies that leverage Turkish political players and seek a synergy with local media actors.
Across the Arab world, different education reform initiatives have had varying levels of success in different contexts. This paper explores some types of education reform that could serve as groundwork for broader change.
Saudi Arabia’s security is contingent on Yemen’s stability and economic prosperity. As such, Riyadh should help revive Yemen’s moribund economy, in both the borderlands and the inland agricultural sector.
As governments find more effective ways to carry out internet shutdowns, citizens and democracies need more effective ways to combat them.
After a decade of civil war, Syria’s border with Turkey is divided. Yet long-term stability will require a peace agreement that treats the border as an indivisible whole.