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The refugee crisis is impacting political stability in the Middle East and Europe. How should leaders respond to the worst humanitarian crisis since World War II?
Consensus over Tammam Salam’s nomination has ensured temporary stability in Lebanon. Yet challenges for Salam in actually forming a new government and arriving at broad consensus over a new parliamentary election law remain.
While Lebanon is not currently headed toward a widespread collapse, regional players and the international community must recognize the danger of using Lebanon as a proxy battle for another Arab country.
A United Nations-backed tribunal investigating the 2005 assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri handed down indictments to prosecutors in Lebanon, naming four men with ties to Hezbollah. There are fears that the tribunal’s findings could further divide the country.
As tensions in Lebanon run high, the release of the findings of the UN-backed investigation into the assassination of Rafiq Hariri could inflame passions and lead to conflict between Sunni and Shia communities.