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What conservative civic activism portends for global civil society.
Case studies from eight countries show how civic activism across the world is evolving and reveal crosscutting themes relevant to the future of civil society support.
Enhanced energy security is particularly important for a more cohesive security collaboration among the states of the Euro-Atlantic region.
A commission of leading international and Ukrainian experts has drafted a report providing over a hundred specific policy recommendations to the new president. The report urges the new administration to undertake a sweeping new wave of reform, with the aim of recasting relations between state and society, sustaining current high rates of growth, and broadening the reach of prosperity.
Ever since the Soviet Union collapsed, the independent states that emerged from the wreckage have tried to sort out their trade relations. But the flow of goods between countries continues to contract even more than it should. What is needed is free trade.
Ukraine has proceeded far in its post-Communist economic transformation. Access to foreign export markets has become a key question for Ukraine's economic future. Trade policy has gained such importance for Ukraine's aspiration's for accelerated growth and reaching its Millenium Development Goals that it should be Ukraine's predominant economic policy and international policy priority.