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The EU’s decision to grant Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine membership perspective signals a more strategic approach to enlargement. But an overhaul of the process is needed to enable staged accession and prevent a stalemate.
The EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism has sparked a debate about its negative spillover effects, particularly for developing and least developed countries. Reforming CBAM should be a priority for the EU not only for climate justice but also for geopolitical considerations.
A decade and a half of constant crises has gradually restructured the power dynamics in the EU institutions. The European Commission is now in the driver’s seat.
The EU has been stepping up its engagement with Central Asia, including on regional cooperation, energy, and connectivity. But to gain more clout, the union must present a positive alternative to powers like China and Russia.
While international donors are right to focus on supporting civil society in acute crises, their approach has serious limitations. For more effective crisis mitigation, engagement with civic actors must be part of a broader political strategy driven by local dynamics and priorities.
The prolonged conflict between Israel and Palestine is leading to democratic deterioration in both territories. The EU and its member states should root their responses in liberal democratic values.
Russia’s hybrid attacks have strengthened Ukraine’s social cohesion and public resolve. To further enhance Ukrainian resilience, the EU should share best practices, expand sanctions, and support the country’s democratic reforms.
The ways in which democracies interact with autocracies can also play a role in sustaining repressive regimes. Democratic governments must adopt more holistic approaches that offset the negative implications of international engagement.
Germany’s new Feminist Foreign Policy guidelines seek to anchor gender equality in different areas of German foreign policy. But they also raise hard questions about what it means to put these feminist principles into practice—particularly in light of security concerns raised by the war in Ukraine.
There is a growing perception that the liberal world order is coming to an end. While the current multilateral system may be weakened by the return of geopolitics, economic interdependence and transnational ties will prevent a complete lapse into anarchy.