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French President Sarkozy’s request for Chinese money in support of the euro rescue symbolized three historic shifts in great power relations: the fragility and endangerment of the European project, the ascendance of China, and the beginning of the end of the American era.
The United States has been losing its status as the world’s sole superpower since the end of the Cold War, while China has gradually increased its relative power. This re-balancing is beginning to have a profound impact on the international system and the way it is governed.
Twenty years after the fall of the Soviet Union, democracies need to develop a new model that fosters civic duty and responsibility in their citizens and takes a more global perspective on leadership in the modern world.
Tunisia is in the middle of a more promising process of transition than any other country so far, although a lot could still go wrong.
Twenty years after the Soviet collapse, leaders of the five Central Asian republics have built functioning states but they have yet to fully implement democratic reforms, decentralize and share power, and develop strong intraregional relations.
As China’s leaders seek to preserve stability in 2012, they face a host of challenges, including reduced economic flexibility, increasing social, unrest, widening income disparities, and escalating external tensions.
The Tunisian economy faces falling tourism, a bad labor market, and increased current account deficits. The new government must develop a comprehensive economic strategy to deal with these challenges.
An international commitment to keep weapons of mass destruction out of Saddam Hussein’s hands could have worked and led to a WMD enforcement mechanism for use not only in Iraq, but also in North Korea, Libya, Syria, Iran, and elsewhere.
During his annual televised call-in show, Vladimir Putin proposed to reinstate the direct election of governors, which is perhaps the only serious political concession that he is offering.
With the second Nuclear Security Summit fast approaching, it is a good moment to reflect on the issue of radiological security.