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The Indian Ocean region’s importance to global trade, geopolitical competition, and maritime security is growing. Understanding its key players, regional organizations, and challenges is critical to crafting policy toward the region.
China’s Belt and Road Initiative helped build an industrial complex in Indonesia—but contestations at the local and national levels compelled Chinese players to adapt to rapidly shifting Indonesian cross-currents.
Differing Kenyan and Ethiopian journalism norms have fundamentally shaped the strategies and local relationships of three Chinese firms contracted to build railways in Africa.
As America’s conscious foray into industrial policy, the CHIPS Act is an important political breakthrough and a potentially transformative piece of legislation.
Financed by the EU, the construction of the Pelješac Bridge in Croatia has been a resounding success for Chinese soft power. Policymakers in Brussels should implement changes to the union’s procurement policy to avoid supporting the ambitions of its economic competitor and systemic rival.
Turkey has few explicitly pro-China voices. In response, the Chinese regime has opted for soft power strategies that leverage Turkish political players and seek a synergy with local media actors.
Some Chinese firms have sought to localize to meet Brazil’s stringent local content requirements. This has yielded mixed results. Brazil must craft a long-term strategy for its economic relationship with China to increase the odds that bilateral engagement can advance in a new and more sustainable, mutually beneficial direction.
While Macron’s pivot has created new political space for France-Africa engagement on more equal footing, the French president’s vision of mutual aid and reciprocal partnerships between France and African countries remains unfulfilled.
One of America’s greatest assets is the attractiveness of participating in its economy; that strength should be used to good strategic effect.
Algeria and Egypt pressed China’s telecom national champion Huawei for more value-added manufacturing and technology transfers. The company responded, but it ultimately improved its brand image without engaging in meaningful capacity building.