Smart Tax Calculator

Use this calculator to see how a smart tax captures all emissions and assigns responsibility where it lies with producers, refiners, and end users.

End Users
Carbon Tax Breakdown(Dollars Per Barrel)
Canada Hibernia
Canada Athabasca SAGD Dilbit
Canada Cold Lake CSS Dilbit
Canada Athabasca FC-HC SCO
Canada Athabasca DC SCO
Mexico Chuc
Mexico Cantarell
U.S. Eagle Ford - Condensate Zone No Flare
U.S. Eagle Ford - Volatile Oil Zone
U.S. Wyoming WC
U.S. North Dakota Bakken - No flaring
U.S. Eagle Ford - Black Oil Zone
U.S. Texas Yates
U.S. Gulf Thunder Horse
U.S. Gulf Mars
U.S. East Texas Field
U.S. Wyoming Salt Creek
U.S. Texas Spraberry
U.S. North Dakota Bakken - Flaring
U.S. Alaska North Slope
U.S. Louisiana Lake Washington Field
U.S. Eagle Ford - Condensate Zone
U.S. California Wilmington
U.S. California South Belridge
U.S. California Midway-Sunset
NOTE: Tax amounts for producers, refiners and end users are each individually rounded. As a result, totals tax rates may not add up due to rounding error.
NOTE: Tax values have been updated with the release of the updated and expanded Oil-Climate Index in October 2016.
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