Fabrice Pothier is no longer with the Carnegie Endowment.
Fabrice Pothier was director of Carnegie Europe, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace’s pan-European foreign policy forum for senior policy makers, experts, and leading journalists. Pothier is a noted commentator on European policy in Afghanistan and Pakistan, transatlantic issues, and global drug policy. He is a regular contributor to BBC World, France24 and Bloomberg, and has published in leading European affairs journals including the European Voice, E!Sharp, and Europe’s World. He has testified before the UK Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, and given presentations at RUSI, IISS, the EU Commission, and NATO. He is on the advisory board of the LSE Ideas Transatlantic Programme.
Prior to his appointment, Pothier was head of policy analysis and co-founder of the Senlis Council (now ICOS), an international security and development group with a special focus on counternarcotics and Afghanistan, which was initiated by the Network of European Foundations. Pothier built and headed the European representation bureau in London, where, as spokesman, he made appearances on BBC World, CNN International, ITN, Al Jazeera International and CBC. He also led special projects in Afghanistan on the relations between narcotics, insurgents, and poverty.
Selected Publications: "Quelles alternatives a la prohibition," (Foreign Policy Edition Française, Sept/Oct 2007).