This person is no longer with the Carnegie Endowment.
Olivier Minkwitz was a visiting scholar working with Carnegie’s Non-Proliferation Project. He is a leading arms control expert with the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, Germany (PRIF). Minkwitz is studying U.S. military strategy as part of a PRIF project on democracies the “Revolution in Military Affairs.” Minkwitz specializes on United States and German foreign and defense policies, specifically arms control and proliferation.
He has published many articles, reports and contributed to several books.
Selected Publications: Waging War Without Restraint? Cyberwar and Its Consequences (in German HSFK-Reports, NR. 10, 2003) Internationale Rüstungskontrolle und Abrüstung, (in Knapp, Manfred/Krell, Gerd (Ed.), Einführung in die internationale Politik, München: Oldenbourg, S. 551-586, Minkwitz, Olivier/Krell, Gerd/Schörnig, Niklas, 2004).