Join us for a conversation between Carnegie nonresident scholar Adam Tooze and Carnegie president Mariano-Florentino (Tino) Cuéllar. This event is part of a series on the global political economy organized by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Beijing is leading the way in AI regulation, releasing groundbreaking new strategies to govern algorithms, chatbots, and more. Global partners need a better understanding of what, exactly, this regulation entails, what it says about China’s AI priorities, and what lessons other AI regulators can learn.
Ukraine’s admission into NATO would help deter Russia and strengthen Euro-Atlantic security. Ambiguity at the Vilnius summit can only embolden Vladimir Putin.
China may have the opportunity to turn Russia into its vassal, but it has no compelling reason to do so.
“We need to stop going to funerals, stop going crazy, stop being afraid of missiles.”
It’s that time of the year! Dip into the first batch of summer recommendations from Carnegie Europe’s scholars, friends, and colleagues. We hope you discover some real gems.
The EU and ASEAN have diverging priorities in climate, security, technology, trade, and democracy. Stronger cooperation in these fields would enable the two blocs to tackle shared challenges and pursue common interests.
Xi Jinping has no other option than to support Vladimir Putin—or someone like him
What China’s Growing Regional Ambitions Mean for Moscow
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